Mailing list name

Perry E. Metzger pmetzger at
Fri Apr 16 12:46:29 PDT 1993

In the light of recent developments concerning government cryptography
initiatives, we might soon find ourselves innundated by working press.

Given this, I think that the name "cypherpunks" produces the wrong
connotations -- it makes us sound like criminals when we are in fact
people who are interested in expanding personal privacy with
technology. Often, little things like this end up being of tremendous
importance in the long haul.

I would propose changing the name of the mailing list to
"cryptoprivacy" or something similar. It denotes what we are about in
a way that mundane people understand better, and it portrays us in the
proper light -- as people struggling to improve the prospects for
personal freedom, not a bunch of "punks".


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