Looking for PGP porting help

Sameer Parekh zane at genesis.mcs.com
Sun Apr 4 13:45:16 PDT 1993

	I'm busy (actually, I'm procrastinating doing my schoolwork ;-)
porting PGP 2.2 to the Apple IIGS. I have two problems and one question--
The question: Who should I contact with the fact that I'm doing this
port so that once a new version of PGP comes out all my porting work
isn't lost?
	The problems:

	I'm not a very experienced C programmer/porter. I seem to be one of
two people in the Apple IIGS community who's interested in porting PGP.
(The other is even LESS experienced at C-- he just learned C recently.)
Any ideas?

| Sameer Parekh-zane at genesis.MCS.COM-PFA related mail to pfa at genesis.MCS.COM |
| Apprentice Philosopher, Writer, Physicist, Healer, Programmer, Lover, more |
| "Be God" - Me __ "Specialization is for Insects" - Robert A. Heinlein ____/
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