holiday travel: sign some keys!

Marc Horowitz marc at Athena.MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 18 01:08:33 PST 1992

With the holidays coming up, and many of us traveling to see friends
and relatives, we all have a great chance to sign keys of people who
aren't in our normal circle of contact.  In our web of trust, we need
as many long strands as we can get.

I recommend that all of you write down your MD5 hashes, and, if you
are willing, post your general itinerary if you are traveling so
people can get in touch with you, and your key signing policy.  It
only takes a five minute meeting (unless there's good chinese food
conveniently nearby :-) to exchange hashes, then you can email your
keyring once you get back home.  I'll start.

I'll be visiting friends in the Alexandria, VA area saturday and
sunday (12/19-12/20), but I won't be reachable via phone easily so if
you'll be in that area during that time, email me before noon saturday
with contact information.  From sunday 12/20 to wednesday 12/23 (I may
stay later), I'll be in northern New Jersey (Wayne, to be exact) at my
parents' house, phone 201-694-3152.

I only sign keys I can verify out-of-band, either in person or by
phone with someone I know.  So far, all the keys I've signed are
people I've known for awhile and see often, so it was easy.  I guess
I'll make up a new rule: show me a driver's license and another piece
of ID (sort of like what you need to cash a check), and I'll trust
that you're you.  The harder to fake the better; I suppose passports
rank high on that list.

Maybe I'm crazy for posting all this info saying when I'm going to be
out of town, but I think it's worth it in the interest of getting some
more connections established (and I've been accused of being crazy
many times before, anyway).


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