[P2P] Call for poster: IEEE ISPA2022 (Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications), Dec. 2022

Jesson Butt jesson.butt at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 06:04:49 PST 2022

Call for Poster:

The 20th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing with Applications (ISPA 2022), 17-19 Dec. 2022, Melbourne,

Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/2022/ispa/poster.htm

Important Dates:
Deadline for proceedings published posters with display at conference: 13
November 2022

Notification of Acceptance: 15 November 2022

Final versions of proceeding published posters: 18 November 2022

Please email your posters/demos to confs.aus at gmail.com with the email
subject as "ISPA 2022 poster submission".

Participants are invited to submit posters and research demos to ISPA 2022.
ISPA 2022 is created to provide a prime international forum for both
researchers, industry practitioners and environment experts to exchange the
latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of
Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications as well as
joint-venture and synergic research and development across various related
areas. Topics of interest for posters and demos include, but not limited to:

Scope and Topics
(1) Systems and Architectures Track

     - Cloud computing and data center technology
     - Migration of computations
     - Multi-clouds environments, cloud federation, interoperability
     - Energy management and Green Computing
     - Wireless and mobile networks
     - Internet-Of-Things (IoT)
     - Social Networks, crowdsourcing, and P2P systems

(2) Technologies and Tools Track

      - Building block processors: FPGA, multicore, GPU, NoC, SoC
      - Parallel and distributed algorithms
      - Tools/environments for parallel/distributed software development
      - Novel parallel programming paradigms
      - Programming models for cloud services and applications
      - Code generation and optimization
      - Compilers for parallel computers
      - Middleware and tools
      - Scheduling and resource management
      - Performance simulations, measurement, and evaluations
      - Reliability, fault tolerance, dependability, and security

(3) Applications Track

     - High-performance scientific and engineering computing
     - Grid and cluster computing
     - Pervasive and ubiquitous computing
     - Databases, data mining, and data management
     - Big data and business analytics
     - Scientific cloud systems and services
     - Internet computing and web services
     - Application scenarios of IoT and ubiquitous computing
     - Experience with computational, workflow and data-intensive
     - Software Defined Networks and its applications

Muneeb Hassan, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
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