[spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 11:12:13 PST 2024

[traffick boss maybe is learning that it's winter!]

traffick boss is skiing on a sidewalk ....
1337 -0500

with his iceskates! and ski poles ...
the proof of location link does have a kind of 'fishiness' in th--
basically it's been a long time since i've successfully reviewed
something. nowadays i get blind to the stupid parts.

traffick boss the fake fireworks

traffick boss is crunched down like he's about to make a big jump, but
he's really about to explode into fake fireworks
the fake fireworks project took a lot of research involving multiple
departments. many different prototype fake fireworks were constructed,
based on holographic technologies, lights, other kinds of fire,
hypnotically induced visions in viewers ...
but basically traffick boss had been so mind controlled by his
business ai that _all_ the different research approaches were tested
as replacements for his body, automatically.
he releases his muscles and bursts into impressive displays!

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