Morning Spam

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at
Wed Apr 10 19:53:04 PDT 2024

a new business wing is allocated to represent the crying experience of
heartbroken people fragmented into too many pieces to put a bandaid on

it is full of fountains where the water comes from the eyes of expressive
statues, and various other matter ready to be telekinetically moved into
crying motions

vivisectee or traffick boss or janitor or cyborg torturer would go in and
pretend they could cry

there is a space where a caring robot will listen to a story of tragedy
such as [same old forced ridiculously evil shit, more present right now due
to another current event], and the robot would repeat the story and make
beautiful public representations of the horror for the statues to eternally
cry at, and etch it into all the public world histories

other robots and a building cadre of dedicated volunteers, would roam the
area, review the beautiful representations of stories being cried at by
statues, and pensate how to address the great tragedies of the world, and
bring logical inferences and grief and reparations work to meetings held

a group of experimentees and researchers work on mindreading systems in one
area, to help the majority of people held by forced silence in ways that
were beyond oppressive and misleading
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