[ot][spam]gpt-4 completions

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 17:35:47 PDT 2023


Write code that loops forever until either it barfs or the user does.
Call a barf-detection function to manage the loop condition.

In the following example, I'll create a Python code snippet that loops
forever until it "barfs" (encounters an error) or until the user does
(signals an interrupt, e.g., by pressing `Ctrl+C`). The
`barf_detection` function is meant to randomly raise an exception as a
simulated "barf". Adjust the logic as per your actual requirement.

import random
import time

def barf_detection():
    Randomly raise an exception to simulate a barf.
    if random.random() < 0.1:  # 10% chance to raise an exception
        raise Exception("Barf! An error occurred.")
        print("No barf... continuing...")

while True:
        time.sleep(1)  # Wait for 1 second to make it human-friendly.
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("User barfed (interrupted)! Exiting...")
    except Exception as e:

In this code:

- `barf_detection` has a 10% chance of raising an exception
("barfing"). You might replace this with real logic that could fail.
- The `while True:` loop will run forever until broken by an exception.
- If the `barf_detection` function does not raise an exception, the
loop pauses for one second (`time.sleep(1)`) and then continues. This
pause prevents the loop from running too quickly and being difficult
to interrupt for the user.
- If a `KeyboardInterrupt` is raised (typically via `Ctrl+C`), the
program will print a message and break out of the loop ("user barfs").
- If any other exception is raised, the program will print the
exception message and break out of the loop ("program barfs").

Please ensure that you use such a "potentially infinite" loop
cautiously, especially in a production environment, as it could
inadvertently consume resources if not monitored and controlled
effectively. Always prioritize graceful and user-friendly ways to
handle loop exits and errors.

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