[spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 17:27:20 PDT 2023


write some short unreadable spaghetti code and then rewrite it
organized around its intended interface

### Unreadable Spaghetti Code:

def z(a,b):return a+b;c=10;d=5;print(z(c,d));def y(x):return
x*2;e=z(c,d);f=y(e);print(f);def w(v,u):return v-u;print(w(f,e))

This code sums, multiplies, and subtracts numbers but is difficult to
follow due to the lack of structure and clear naming. The code does
the following:
- Defines a function `z` that adds two numbers, but then executes
other code before utilizing it.
- Defines variables `c` and `d`, then prints their sum using `z`.
- Defines another function `y`, multiplies the previous sum by 2, and prints it.
- Defines a function `w` to subtract two numbers, then immediately
calculates and prints a new result.

### Organized Code:

Here’s the code refactored to be readable and structured:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def multiply(x, factor=2):
    return x * factor

def subtract(v, u):
    return v - u

def main():
    # Setting initial values
    c, d = 10, 5

    # Performing calculations
    sum_result = add(c, d)
    double_sum = multiply(sum_result)
    final_result = subtract(double_sum, sum_result)

    # Displaying results
    print("Sum:", sum_result)
    print("Doubled Sum:", double_sum)
    print("Subtracted Value:", final_result)

if __name__ == "__main__":


1. **Separate Functions**: Each mathematical operation is performed by
a separate function with a clear name (`add`, `multiply`, `subtract`).

2. **Named Variables**: Variables have descriptive names to clarify
their purpose (`sum_result`, `double_sum`, `final_result`).

3. **Main Function**: A `main()` function contains the primary logic
to ensure readability and reusability.

4. **Print Statements**: Each result is printed with a label to
understand the output.

5. **Conditional Execution**: `if __name__ == "__main__":` ensures
that `main()` runs only when the script is executed directly, not when
imported as a module.

This way, the organized code makes it easier to understand the
functionality, modify it, and use it in other programs.

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