imaginary halting problem was Re: [spam][crazy][spam] imaginary code resembling trained dissociation

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at
Mon Jul 10 06:01:51 PDT 2023

it's notable that a turing machine is not a mathematical construct.
things do not evaluate immediately.

if an imperative system is told to evaluate a logical contradication,
a situation arises where the output toggles on and off repeatedly,
possibly. it depends on the system of evaluation.

these various patterns could emerge depending on how f() or g() are
coded. for example, one could imagine a (possible naive) f() that runs
g() and observes g()'s behavior until it observes all possible covered
code paths, then enumerates patterns in the behavior and determines
whether completion will happen or not. since g() behaves in a
counterposed way, the resulting pattern includes both f() and g() and
specifically states the result is indeterminate. f()'s challenge is to
consider the larger system, given this information, and possibly given
these various flipflop behaviors, and output a single right answer.

- if f() can specify the result is undecided, it can possibly succeed this way
- if f() can hack g()'s behavior it can possibly succeed this way

it's notable that although, with non-mathematical tricks, f() can hack
the situation so as to output the right answer, it is then possibly
outputting the wrong answer when evaluated within g(). is it still
correct if it is doing this? what if g() is relying on f()'s output in
some way? notably, f() has g() and could detect that. it seems
interesting to consider how g() might treat this output and how f()
might analyse that.

allowing f() to output a pattern, and allowing g() to interpret that
pattern, sounds a little interesting.

for example if f() produces output that overtly states it depends on
whether the evaluator is g(), then g() can either honestly respect
that -- i think f() can succeed under those conditions -- or g() can
ignore the request and instead consider how to behave if it is being
evaluated by f() -- i think f() could be similarly stuck under that
second situation.


given there is some undecideability here, it might be possible to
craft a convoluted f() that makes it so that the only thing that is
undecideable is f()'s behavior when evaluated by g().

so, rather than hacking g() by not halting if run inside f(), instead
f() would output that the answer is undecided, when run inside f(),
maybe. then g() has no information to act on and can be predicted.

it's notable that there are other rules f() does not have to play by,
as well; for example, if it is simulating something, it could modify
it during simulation or not simulate it accurately. if it is in a
larger turing machine, it could modify other parts of the system state
against the rules of functional programming. these things could be
true of g() as well.


generally, useful approaches might come down to what the intended
usecases of f() are.


if we consider making one f() that can resolve whether or not any g()
halts, and we simply consider that f() must not halt, but can run
forever, i think the cryptographic solution might work. the user must
be able to provide unlimited cryptographic confirmation that they are
not evaluating f() for the purposes of influencing another evaluation
of f(). i feel like, if that works, there are other approaches too.

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