Royal scumbags backed by fake cypherpunk

professor rat pro2rat at
Sun Dec 18 15:50:07 PST 2022

Btc Maxi Prince Filip's father Alexander is a proponent of re-creating a constitutional monarchy in Serbia and sees himself as the rightful king.

A key event for Prince Alexander - Filip's grandfather  - occurred on 27 March 1909 when his older brother, Crown Prince George, publicly renounced his claim to the throne after strong pressure from political circles in Serbia.  Prince Alexander donated a large sum of money to the Black Hand-oriented journal Pijemont (Piedmont) (founded in August 1911).

George killed his servant Kolaković by kicking him in the stomach. 

What a prince that man was. 

Adam Back is a traitor to all cypherpunks and all crypto-anarchists - this traitor will receive his appropriate reward in due course.

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