Huawei confirms it has it's own OS in case US tensions disrupt use of Android

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Thu May 30 00:31:05 PDT 2019

On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 07:40:30PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Mon, 20 May 2019 10:17:48 -0700
> Razer <g2s at> wrote:
> > 
> > South China Morning Post
> > 
> > That 'tension' IS occurring right now.
> > 
> > BBC: Huawei's use of Android restricted by Google
> > 
> 	haha that's so ridiculous - the 'commie' chinese govt has been
> 	using google-NSA crapware since day zero, so chinese 'commies'
> 	are fuckign retards. And now, to make the self parody even more
> 	ridiculous, the google jews are 'not allowing' the chinese govt
> 	to use their crapware? In other words, google-pentagon-jehova is
> 	now  doing a favor to the chinese by 'punishig' them.

Self parody of a high order indeed.

> 	In reality the chinese govt is too stupid and corrupt to not be
> 	controlled by the americunts so they will stick to google-NSA.

So far, it seems so.

Given Zi's "eff you" social credit big brother of Da Hood:

   China gets an app for Xi Jinping’s ‘inspirational quotes’

and lack of social credit (failure to read JinPing's quotes for your
daily head fluck) getting you banned from public transport and
whatever else they decide to rumble you with,

the Chinese system looks like it's in a moral collapse the likes of
which will go down in history as "holy mother of everything Batman,
that was a bad idea already".

Not that the USA is not similarly in a systemic moral, financial and
societal collapse.

Yahweh, God of War and Cahos, reaping his chaotic warring re-war-d
for dishing up a few thousand years of exponential fiat enslavement
in fávór de la Ju탅

> ps: how long does it take to write an OS from scratch? Couple of
> months for one person? 

On the basis of prior art and existing code chunks, yes.

What is in our own interest?

  "Whom do you serve?"

  Those authorities you go to (for any help or problem resolution),
  you give power to.

Fundamentally, we need to go to one another - our "fellow brothers
and sisters" within our community, to create a better future, rather
than an endless run back to the banks for handouts, loans and any
other freebie.

We live in the greatest materialistic time currently known to man -
machinery, tools, food, transport and communication the likes of
which is simply astounding compared to 100 years ago or more.

Today, there is no reason except for the banking enslavement system,
that we could not have all the railroads, transport, power and
communications infrastructure that we did 100 years ago with steam
power and horse and cart, essentially for free.

The machine provides.

The structure of society, enslaved as it is on a debt system, is
completely artificial, and is the greatest possible slow down in our
journey to the stars imaginable.

To repeat a fundamental fact which ought be known by all:

  At the end of World War 2, Australia was the only nation to end
  their participation with ZERO debt!

  We Aussies made our own planes, bombers, trains, radios, TVs, and
  mined all the raw materials we needed for everything, AND we
  balanced the books of fiat creation vs taxation where needed to
  stop "overcooking" of our economy.

  ZERO debt.

  We (Australia) went to war, we funded that war, we fueled our part
  in that war, we paid all the industrial production we required for
  our part in that war and for our support of our partners in that

  and we ended that war with ZERO debt!

Holy mother of muffaluggering everything, muh grits, does that mean
debt is an entirely artificial and unnecessary construct?

Yes, yes it does grasshopper, yes it do indeed.

And there IS a transition possible - and for those opinionated, hold
your opinion still for a few seconds whilst we grasp the following

  Vladimir Putin wiped out billions in cold war debt owed by nations
  including Venezuela, North Korea and others, to the USSR/ Russia,
  to a real degree "resetting the debt clock".

That is, resetting the debt - wiping out purported debts, can be
done, and has been done by Russia in the last couple decades, with
the mere stroke of a digital pen.

  Debt is an artificial construct.

  Debt is a completely unnecessary construct.

  Debt causes a steady transfer of wealth from those who borrow
  "money" to those who "lend money" (in reality, the banks
  effectively print money, thus they are constitutionally unlawful in
  their current operation/ mechanisms of operation).

  And Australia showed how to become the wealthiest per-capita nation
  in the world, up until the end of World War II - by building your
  nation on "the credit of the nation" and not on "debt repayable to
  private corporations such as the Federal Reserve Banks".

What went wrong?

Bretton Woods - right at the end of WWII, Uncle Sam said "f#@k you
Australia, going forward you WILL be indebted to the privately owned
Federal Reserve banks".

And since then, the Australian dollar, which was gold backed as well
as backed by the wealthiest per-capita nation of people in the world
at that time (actually, second to banking capital Switzerland, but
ignoring that for the moment), has been fiat debt interest and QE
reduced to about 2% of its former value.

Absolutely criminal!

But we the people have been largely ignorant of the theft of our
wealth, the theft of our inheritance.

What to do?

Experiment with crypto currencies; network with real meat space
things called humans, within our community; leverage the amazing
machinery we have to create little pockets of food, water and energy

Good luck all - notwithstanding one's individual choices, NO ONE
deserves to be enslaved in the way that China and the NSA/CIA/MIC are
rapidly bringing downt he pipeline!

No matter who you are, no matter what you choices have been so far in
your life, I support you absolute right to freedom, to live and act
in freedom within your (our shared) community.

If we keep hating on one another, even CIA employees, heaven forbid,
even Hillary Clinton, then we are living in hate, and we are failing
to see the the bonds tying her conscience, and that of our "friendly
neighbourhood CIA employees", shall continue to tie us all.

A better future means a better future for all, not just for "good"

Which rights ought we have? The fundamentals to start with:

 - the right to travel anonymously and without any taxation or fee
   payable to anyone whatsoever

 - the right to communicate freely and anonymously with any and all
   who will listen to our communications

 - the right to grow any plant, to harvest any plant, and to use any
   plant, for food or for medicine

 - the right to collect and use water when it falls from the sky

 - the right to join in company with our fellow humans, in the
   pursuit of those pursuits we consider collectively worthy of

Good luck all, and may you individually, and may we collectively,
break the chains of our individual and collective enslavement.

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