Chelsea Manning attempts to destroy 'grand jury' system using their actions as wrecking ball!

Punk-Stasi 2.0 punks at
Wed Dec 18 14:45:14 PST 2019

On Tue, 17 Dec 2019 23:50:19 -0700
Mirimir <mirimir at> wrote:

> And about the penis thing. As I understand it, they basically invert and
> expand the penis. So the glans becomes the clitoris, and the interior
> becomes the vagina. It's a crude hack, for sure.

	are there any women going through a similar butchery to 'become' 'men'? In the case of women I guess they would have to cut off their tits and have a dick implant? 

	anyway, there certainly are variations in sex and there may even be a percentage of people who are hermaphrodites, but how big is it? 

> Gender is no more one dimensional -- male vs female
> -- than political ideology is. And even if it were, we're developing
> technology that makes all of that irrelevant.

	what's that supposed to mean, exactly? The matrix bullshit, which in reality means that  humanity is exterminated? 

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