[From offlist] Re: FBI Says It Can't Find Hackers to Hire Because They All Smoke Pot

\0xDynamite dreamingforward at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 22:57:54 PDT 2017

>>> [list of famous people getting high, including former president Obama]
>> And there you see why this world has not been getting better:  THEY
>> are escaping reality too -- and they're the ones in charge.  So
>> obviously, no one knows what the F they're doing, so who's going to
>> lay the pipe down and get down to business?
> It depends on what your business is, and btw, the people who run the
> show are Alcoholics and Pill Junkies and that's why we're in the mess
> we're in. Because the ONE THING that pot excels at, is HELPING YOU
> (emphasis intentional) become absolutely disinterested in  the
> accumulation of power.

That's hilariously true.  However, the people need to take the power
back, otherwise shits gets bad.

> If you want to take that as meaning unmotivated
> or somesuch, that's because you're an alcoholic or a pill junkie.

Not at all.  I'm a straight-edge dude.  Try again.


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