Oracle slurs PostgreSQL - was Re: Russia bans purchase of foreign non-niche software in Russian state agencies

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Sat Mar 26 04:48:29 PDT 2016

Dear Russian computing punk friends - enjoy, and holler for any
questions you might have - now is the time to sieze the day.
pgsql-general email thread link is below - best for specific database
tech questions.

We figured some backlash might come to Putin's pro-local (i.e.
effectively also "libre") software policy ("nasty protectionists" say
the globalisation nuts), and Oracle the corporate $LUT$ they are,
recently leaped right in Lucifer Style (Gangnam eat your heart out).
This attack on local in particular smaller Russian businesses, by
Oracle against PostgreSQL is some evidence that Putin's policy is
having an effect in Russia which Oracle is disliking (does your heart
bleed for Oracle's loss of profits in Russia? Those poor, poor
American billionaires...).

Now is a fantastic opportunity for those individual and business
entrepreneurs in Russia to use your words and advocacy to fight this
particular American bully. Enjoy :)

This is free publicity you just can't beat, couldn't purchase. Find
good word smiths in Russia, play the various cards - "Oracle attacks
the little guy", "Oracle attacks community", "Oracle tries to
maniuplate Russia" "no Oracle, we're not that stupid, basic facts are
not, like, rocket science or anything" and every other combination
that makes sense in Russia. Pump it to your media, bounce your links
to the PostgreSQL mailing list linked below, build that nationalist/
community/ local guys spirit.

A multi billion dollar American bully trying to shirt-front Russia!

Gold! Just gold!

Marketing material you could never buy! Little guys vs Billion dollar
bullies. Fantastic! Once this publicity is milked, letters should be
sent to Larry Ellison and the rest of the Oracle board, thanking them
sincerely for their efforts to promote Russian local business and
Russian computing self confidence - as well as for raising awareness
of the aggressive and bullying nature of American money, Starikov
style :)  :
"Russian Political Party Trolls Obama and Kerry by Sending Thank-You Cards"

Perhaps Oracle should try to sell their wares in the CIA's project Ukraine?:
"Poland Considers Building a Wall - Against Ukrainians"
(Just as well the western Ukrainians are wealthy folk, honourable with
their many multi-billion dollar IMF loans, and about to join the EU
eh? Oracle should fit right in, feel right at home...)
Oracle Attacks Postgres in Russia
Bruce Momjian
"Tuesday, March 22, 2016
During my twenty years with Postgres, I knew the day would come when
proprietary databases could no longer ignore Postgres and would start
attacking us.

Well, that day has come, at least in Russia. During the past few
weeks, Oracle sent a letter (Russian
, English translation ) to
Russian partners and customers comparing Oracle favorably to Postgres
as a way of cirumventing a new law (
) favoring Russian-produced software. This is the first direct attack
I have seen on Postgres, and is probably representative of the kinds
of attacks we will see from other vendors and in other countries in
the years to come.

The press has picked up on the news (Russian
, English
) and given balanced coverage. Comments (
) on the English article were, in general, positive — I particularly
liked this one (
). There are two Hacker News threads about it (1 , 2 ), a community thread (
) about it, and another community thread about Oracle RAC ($lhg$$lhg$

Taken together, this is an interesting time for Postgres.
Oracle fights Russian software policy with Postgres smear

An email calling for links to pro-PostgreSQL advocacy$lhg$
The whole thread:$lhg$
"If anybody puts together a "just the facts" document after Oracle's
attack on PostgreSQL in Russia, please make sure it's drawn to the
attention of this mailing list for the benefit of those who aren't in

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