bitcoin as a global medium of exchange (was Re: Interesting take on Sanjuro's Assassination Market)

Guido Witmond guido at
Wed Nov 27 02:33:30 PST 2013

On 11/27/13 00:04, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 2013-11-27 04:29, Al Billings wrote:
>> What do you bribe an ex-president (out of office since the
>> millennium) to do for you when lecturing?
> When he is in power, you put large sums of money under his effective 
> control, but not under his name.  Out of power, the money gets
> laundered to him by various means, among them inflated speaking
> fees.

Bitcoin cannot stop corruption but it may make it harder to hide. Hence,
easier to detect.

My hope is that Bitcoin is transparent enough for action groups to
investigate and bring the dirty laundry into the sunlight.

My worry is that by using intermediate payment providers, this
transparency gets lost due to 'banking sectrets'.

My point was that money == power and power needs to be checked. Not by
those in power.

Now we disagree on the method of doing something against those that
abuse the money. :-)


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