[tt] (VINT Labs) How a smart meter knows what I'm watching

Tomasz Rola rtomek at ceti.pl
Tue Jan 22 12:22:41 PST 2013




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How a smart meter knows what I'm watching

   Posted on [32]January 15, 2013 by [33]Menno van Doorn

   Last   year   Researchers   of  from  M|nster  University  of  Applied
   Sciences demonstrated  that  consumers  can be identified via the data
   collected by  a  smart meter, from the types and amount of devices, TV
   shows  being watched  and  scan  for  copyright-protected (or pirated)
   movies.  If  you want  to  see  how  they  predict  what movie you are
   watching, based on
   data  form  your  smart  meter,  start  at   approx 14:40 minutes. The
   video is called "Smart Hacking For Privacy"

   IFRAME: [34]http://www.youtube.com/embed/YYe4SwQn2GE

   The  brightness  of  the  backlight  influences  the  energy  use  and
   is refelcted  in  the  data  that go to the smart meter. The fact that
   smart meters  collect  data every two seconds makes it possible to get
   very accurate  graphs.  That's how they are able to recognize patterns
   energy use and compare with patterns in a movie database.

   What's    your    opinion?    Should    we    keep    these    Privacy
   Intrusive Technologies out of our homes? Or should we fix the problems
   with Privacy  Enhancing  Technologies? Here's what I think. Fix it: we
   need a smarter grid.

Gerelateerde Berichten:

     * [35]Intel inside, idiot outside
     * [36]VINTlabs Big Data Bookmarks: @ThomasvanManen
     * [37]Powershift part 2
     * [38]Powershift
     * [39]A little big data, a lot more efficient energy management

     * Share this post:





   This  entry  was  posted  in  [42]Big  Data  and  tagged  [43]Privacy,
   [44]Smart Meters by [45]Menno van Doorn. Bookmark the [46]permalink.

About Menno van Doorn

   Menno van Doorn is Director of the Research Institute for the Analysis
   of  New  Technology  (VINT) in the Netherlands. He mixes personal life
   experiences  with the findings of the 17 years of research done at the
   VINT  Research  Institute.  Menno  has  co-authored  five books on the
   impact   of  new  technology  on  business  and  society.  Awards:  IT
   Researcher of the Year in the Netherlands. [47]Twitter, [48]LinkedIn
   [49]View all posts by Menno van Doorn -> 

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   Visible links
  32. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?p=6272
  33. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?author=2
  34. http://www.youtube.com/embed/YYe4SwQn2GE
  35. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?p=6132
  36. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?p=4862
  37. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?p=3717
  38. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?p=3556
  39. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?p=6082
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  46. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?p=6272
  47. https://twitter.com/MennovanDoorn/
  48. http://nl.linkedin.com/pub/menno-van-doorn/1/693/91a
  49. http://blog.vint.sogeti.com/?author=2
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