[p2p-hackers] Bitcoin incentive on Kademlia networks

ianG iang at iang.org
Wed Nov 7 03:33:42 PST 2012

On 7/11/12 11:54 AM, Ted Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-11-07 at 00:05 +0100, Changaco wrote:
>> Let me get this straight, someone writes a message asking people not to
>> go into political debates that have been done over and over, but you do
>> it anyway.
>> This is exactly why I previously said I wasn't going to argue with you,
>> because from your messages here and a quick look at your website I
>> guessed what you were going to say.
>> I agree with Ted Smith on the uselessness of the "debate" you are
>> trying to fuel, therefore I won't participate.
> This debate has only one possible use: it can motivate people to test
> hypotheses related to economics on p2p networks.
> So far, I've seen a great deal of that in this thread, and I hope I can
> see more. Not only is that constructive and on-topic, it's the best way
> to have the underlying political debate: through a solid basis of
> empiricism.

That's the point :)  As a slice of experience, this business of creating  
new monies demands an integrity to economics that is uncompromising.  
Whatever your views, you will find them challenged.  The more you know,  
the better you'll be.  If you don't have a total commitment to the reality 
of people's financial habits, and a total commitment to being totally wrong 
from time to time, you'll find this business an unhappy one.

You are asking people to choose your form of money over others, and your  
customers will be incisive and brutal with your chosen set of  
presumptions.  Another thing you will need is a thick skin;  the ability  
to debate the real issues while not getting distracted by the sink into  
politics and verbal tit-for-tat.

Back in the good ol' days, Zooko and I used to run something called the  
Weber Economics Club.  Every week we would collect all the local monetary 
engineers and discuss one economics topic of interest.  I remember Coase's 
theorem one week, Schelling points another week.  For an hour ... and then 
the beer would steer us to other topics.  Which is probably good, as our 
group was filled with randians and marxists alike, and we wanted to survive 
the night.

We should have produced a poster, something like


"Beer - helping Randoids and Commies debate economics since 1862!"

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p2p-hackers at lists.zooko.com

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