Escaping Restrictive/Untrusted Networks with OpenVPN on EC2

Eugen Leitl eugen at
Thu Oct 29 09:12:06 PDT 2009

Escaping Restrictive/Untrusted Networks with OpenVPN on EC2

By Eric Hammond on May 2, 2009 5:24 AM | 7 Comments | 0 TrackBacks

Perhaps you are behind a corporate firewall which does not allow you to
access certain types of resources on the Internet. Or, perhaps you are
accessing the Internet over an open wifi where you do not trust your network
traffic to your fellow wifi users or the admins running the local network.

These instructions guide you in setting up an OpenVPN server on an EC2
instance, sending all your network traffic through a secure channel to port
80 on the EC2 instance and from there out to the Internet.


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