gulchnet ramp up

Eugen Leitl eugen at
Thu Jun 18 01:27:40 PDT 2009

(very long thread, see the site)

Topic: Gulchnet ramp up  (Read 2175 times)
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Member #57
Posts: 1144
	Gulchnet ramp up
+ on: June 03, 2004, 03:48:52 PM ;
OK .... I've got a server set up with freeswan on a permanent IP address. Not sure how to run it, but the software is loaded. I'm not using KLIPS, as I don't want non-members to be able to enter.

Who else has freeswan ( or strongswan or superswan ) set up?

We could either use fixed IP addresses, or pass out x509 certs to folks with DHCP floating IPs ( use "roadwarrior" laptop protocols ).

I'd like to get some kind of server backbone set up first, and then maybe put Debra or Claire in charge of certification .... someone needs to vet people before they get in.

Also ... do we want to buy a domain name for this mess, or just use bare IP addresses? 

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