May 24: National Day of Outrage at NSA/Telco surveillance

John Gilmore gnu at
Fri May 19 15:32:13 PDT 2006

Some alternative media groups have called for a national day of protests
against the telcos' latest sleazy activities, including their cooperation
in NSA's illegal surveillance of innocent citizens.

Events are already scheduled in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and
NYC.  You can register your own local event by sending mail to
protest at

Curiously, nobody in Washington, DC or Baltimore is protesting yet.
Perhaps a contingent should form outside NSA, with signs showing the
NSA employees on their way to/from work just what we think of their
disrespect for the constitution, the law, and the public.  Do we have
a local volunteer to organize it?


PS: I don't agree with all the things these people are protesting, but
I admire their energy.  I haven't seen cryptographers and cypherpunks
with protest signs -- yet.  But I hope to see you out there on May 24th.

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