Gilmore's Last Stand

Eric Cordian emc at
Fri Jun 9 13:08:03 PDT 2006

One of the first rules of being a courtroom lawyer, is to never ask a 
question you don't already know the answer to.

A corollary to this might be to never try and prove a point by publicly 
conducting an experiment that you don't already know the results of.

One therefore wonders what on earth could have been going through "Privacy 
Activist" John Gilmore's mind when he publicly challenged a DHS Advisor to 
try to fly home to Washington, DC from a committee meeting in San 
Francisco without using his ID.

The guy already had his ticket and boarding pass.  He got a little extra 
screening, and actually got through security faster than the long line of 
people waiting for the regular screening.

So of course this is all over the Net now, and headlines are proclaiming 
that "flying without a photo-ID is actually faster than flying with proper 
identification," and Gilmore is looking like a crackpot.

Show up at the ticket counter without ID, try and buy a ticket with cash, 
and try to get on the plane, and be Black.

Then see what happens.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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