Cryptography Research Security Experts to Speak at RSA Conference 2005

R.A. Hettinga rah at
Mon Feb 14 07:42:21 PST 2005


Cryptography Research Security Experts to Speak at RSA Conference 2005

        Company's Security Experts Chosen to Participate in Conference

    SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- RSA CONFERENCE 2005 --
Strengthening its reputation within the security industry, Cryptography
Research, Inc. today detailed its participation in the RSA Conference 2005
program being held here this week in the Moscone Convention Center.  Security
experts Paul Kocher, Benjamin Jun, Nate Lawson and Carter Laren are scheduled
to speak in various lecture sessions and panel discussions over the course of
the largest and most comprehensive event created for information security
    Paul Kocher joins industry notables Whitfield Diffie, Burt Kaliski, Ronald
Rivest and Adi Shamir in "The Cryptographers' Panel," one of the most widely
attended and eagerly awaited sessions during the RSA Conference.  Representing
some of the leading minds in the field, this panel will look back at past
panel predictions and how they turned out, and again look ahead at the future
of cryptography and information security.
    In another panel discussion, "Inside-Out Security Strategy - Architecting
an Effective Defense for Vulnerabilities in the Stored Data Environment,"
Kocher and the panel will look at a new, inside-out security architecture that
protects valuable information by focusing on the stored data itself.  The
panel will look at common vulnerabilities and innovative approaches to
securing data throughout the IT environment.
    In "Stalemate Security Problems," Kocher considers the perpetual arms race
between attackers and defenders, where frequent updates are required to guard
against network attacks, fraud, piracy, spam and other security problems.
Kocher will explore challenges, successes, catastrophic failures and open
problems in managing these stalemates.
    Carter Laren joins senior executives from major Hollywood studios, Fox and
Warner Bros., in a roundtable discussion of new strategies and weapons in the
war against next-generation digital piracy.  Moderated by Newsweek reporter,
Steven Levy, "Hollywood's Last Chance - Getting it Right on Digital Piracy"
will highlight the threat sophisticated digital pirates present to the movie
industry's economic viability and how Hollywood executives are fighting to
make tomorrow's high-definition content safe from the piracy that has
devastated the music industry.
    From CSS to credit card fraud and P2P to Y2K, Benjamin Jun exposes "Ten
Bugs That Cost Our Customers Billions."  This fascinating look into security
blunders will reveal how these bugs happened, why they caused serious problems
and what could have been done to prevent them.
    Jun also explores the nature of high-threat systems protecting digital
content, cash and access privileges in his session, "Fragile Secrets - Handle
with Care!"  Jun will show how smart cards, content protection systems and
trusted computing environments protect secrets against motivated attackers -
often the very users and device holders they serve - and why it is important
for developers to consider real-world attacks, design principles for tamper
resistance and validation strategies.
    Nate Lawson will be leading a discussion titled "Open-Source Security
Tools," focusing on the design, use and customization of tools for evaluating
and improving system security.  Topics will include the benefits and
challenges of open vs. closed source, current maturity levels and
customization approaches.

    About the Presenters
    Paul Kocher, president and chief scientist, has gained an international
reputation for his consulting work and academic research in cryptography. An
active contributor to major conferences and standards bodies, Paul has
designed many cryptographic applications and protocols, including SSL v3.0.
His development of timing attacks to break RSA and other algorithms received
front-page coverage in several major publications. More recently he has led
research to develop Differential Power Analysis and designs for securing smart
cards and other devices against these attacks, as well as to design a record-
breaking DES Key Search machine. Paul holds a B.S. degree from Stanford
    Benjamin Jun, vice president, heads the consulting practice and the
company's Content Security Research Initiative. He leads engineering groups in
the design, evaluation and repair of high-assurance security modules for
software, ASIC and embedded systems. Ben holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from
Stanford University, where he is a Mayfield Entrepreneurship Fellow.
    Carter Laren is Cryptography Research's technical liaison to Hollywood
studios, content owners and consumer electronics manufacturers. Known as the
"Anti-Pirate," he has extensive experience designing and evaluating secure
communication and pay-television systems, tamper-resistant devices and content
protection technology. Carter holds a B.S. degree in electrical engineering
from the University of Pittsburgh, where he was awarded the elite Chancellor's
    Nate Lawson, senior security engineer at Cryptography Research, is focused
on the design and analysis of network security devices. He is the original
developer of ISS's RealSecure and the first version of Decru's fibre channel
appliance. Nate holds a B.S. computer science degree from Cal Poly and is a
member of USENIX and SMPTE.

     Cryptography Research Conference Talk Schedule
    Tuesday, February 15, 2005
      11:10 a.m. - The Cryptographers' Panel, Paul Kocher
    Thursday, February 17, 2005
      7:00 a.m. - Open Source Security Tools, Nate Lawson
      8:00 a.m. - Hollywood's Last Chance - Getting it Right on Digital
                  Piracy, Carter Laren
      2:00 p.m. - Inside-Out Security Strategy - Architecting an Effective
                  Defense for Vulnerabilities in the Stored Data Environment,
                  Paul Kocher
      3:25 p.m. - Stalemate Security Problems, Paul Kocher
      4:50 p.m. - Ten Bugs That Cost Our Customers Billions, Benjamin Jun
    Friday, February 18, 2005
      11:10 a.m. - Fragile Secrets - Handle with Care!, Benjamin Jun

    About Cryptography Research, Inc.
    Cryptography Research, Inc. provides consulting services and technology to
solve complex security problems. In addition to security evaluation and
applied engineering work, CRI is actively involved in long-term research in
areas including tamper resistance, content protection, network security and
financial services. The company has a broad portfolio of patents covering
countermeasures to differential power analysis and other vulnerabilities, and
is committed to helping companies produce secure smart cards and other tamper
resistant devices.
    Security systems designed by Cryptography Research engineers annually
protect more than $100 billion of commerce for wireless, telecommunications,
financial, digital television and Internet industries. For additional
information or to arrange a consultation with a member of the technical staff,
please contact Jen Craft at 415-397-0123, ext. 329 or visit

 SOURCE Cryptography Research, Inc.
 Web Site:

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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at>
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