[Clips] US CODE: Title 50,1811. Authorization during time of war

Gil Hamilton gil_hamilton at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 20 12:43:04 PST 2005

Bob Hettinga wrote:
>  TITLE 50 > CHAPTER 36 > SUBCHAPTER I > ' 1811

>  ' 1811. Authorization during time of war

>  Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney
>  General,  may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order
>  under this  subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information
>  for a period not to  exceed fifteen calendar days following a
>  declaration of war by the Congress.


That's a pretty short and uncomplicated paragraph even in view of your
well-known attention-deficit issues.

Was there some part of the phrase you quoted: "for a period not to  exceed 
calendar days following a declaration of war by the Congress" that you
were unable to understand?


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