[Geowanking] new Microsoft privacy policy?

Mike Liebhold mnl at well.com
Wed Dec 14 10:35:27 PST 2005

Jeremy Irish wrote:

>Many seem to faint in the site of Microsoft knowing your location -


This is not about "fainting" , and the problem is -much- larger than
Microsoft.  Privacy concerns, have in part delayed the availibility of
location APIs from telcos and from others including Google, et. al.
Intel has been widely praised for breaking a conceptual logjam. When it
became clearer that Microsoft was actually going to productize the
technology,  a lot of us expected that they would embrace the same
philosophy in their implementation. Instead, the published a privacy
disclaimer that, instead of reinforcing privacy  -equivocated- on
privacy,  despite the misleading and insincere introduction " your
privacy is important"

The good news is that I got a note, this morning from Microsoft [thanks
Nat] agreeing essentially and promising to revisit the policy and to
draft a new privacy statement to reflect a genuine emphasis on privacy
in the "location finder" service ofering.


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