a little bird told me

Jay Listo jay.listo at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 05:29:52 PST 2005

well, not sure if Tor has a mechanism to find out who's operating the 
'exit' nodes, and the ability to choose a specific exit node.

This way, any govt (or many govts) could put up a bunch of exit nodes

coderman wrote:

>On 12/2/05, Eugen Leitl <eugen at leitl.org> wrote:
>>That israeli intelligence apparently considers Tor broken.
>>While Tor definitely has not been designed with that
>>threat model in mind, this still strikes me as somewhat
>makes sense to me. when your threat model includes $TLA with a DCS1000
>/ ECHELON / * eye view of much internet traffic you could easily be
>observed to some degree.
>fun to speculate about until the details are known.

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