security modifications to current PCs

Shawn K. Quinn skquinn at
Thu Dec 1 00:38:00 PST 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 02:08 -0600, Travis H. wrote:
> I use some disk encryption stuff on a dual processor machine and it's
> still slow.  The load climbs to 10 or 12 all too easily, then stuff
> becomes unresponsive (perhaps because swap is one of the things I'm
> encrypting).

What processors, specifically? (If you expect a dual Pentium 100 system
to work miracles, that's your problem.)

What operating system? I'm pretty sure OpenBSD encrypts swap out of the
box, and it is SMP capable. Chances are if you're getting double-digit
load just from normal use due to swap encryption, you either don't have
anywhere near enough RAM, don't have enough CPU, or the code you're
running is inefficient.

Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn at>

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