[fc-announce] CFP FC'06: Financial Cryptography and Data Security

R.A. Hettinga rah at shipwright.com
Tue Aug 2 18:23:28 PDT 2005

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 To: fc-announce at ifca.ai
 From: Avi Rubin <rubin at jhu.edu>
 Subject: [fc-announce] CFP FC'06: Financial Cryptography and Data Security
 Sender: fc-announce-admin at ifca.ai
 Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 13:58:29 -0400

                             Call for Papers

              FC'06: Financial Cryptography and Data Security

                      Tenth International Conference
                       February 27 to March 2, 2006
                       Anguilla, British West Indies

                  Submissions Due Date: October 17, 2005

 Program Chairs: Giovanni Di Crescenzo (Telcordia)
                  Avi Rubin (Johns Hopkins University)

 General Chair: Patrick McDaniel (Penn State University)

 Local Arrangements Chair: Rafael Hirschfeld (Unipay Technologies)

 At its 10th year edition, Financial Cryptography and Data Security
 (FC'06) is a well established and major international forum for
 research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate
 regarding security in the context of finance and commerce. We will
 continue last year's augmentation of the conference title and expansion
 of our scope to cover all aspects of securing transactions and systems.
 These aspects include a range of technical areas such as: cryptography,
 payment systems, secure transaction architectures, software systems and
 tools, user and operator interfaces, fraud prevention, secure IT
 infrastructure, and analysis methodologies. Our focus will also
 encompass financial, legal, business and policy aspects. Material both
 on theoretical (fundamental) aspects of securing systems, on secure
 applications and real-world deployments will be considered.

 The conference goal is to bring together top cryptographers,
 data-security specialists, and scientists with economists, bankers,
 implementers, and policy makers. Intimate and colorful by tradition,
 the FC'06 program will feature invited talks, academic presentations,
 technical demonstrations, and panel discussions. In addition, we will
 celebrate this 10th year edition with a number of initiatives, such as:
 especially focused session, technical and historical state-of-the-art
 panels, and one session of surveys.

 This conference is organized annually by the International Financial
 Cryptography Association (IFCA).

 Original papers, surveys and presentations on all aspects of financial
 and commerce security are invited. Submissions must have a visible
 bearing on financial and commerce security issues, but can be
 interdisciplinary in nature and need not be exclusively concerned with
 cryptography or security. Possible topics for submission to the various
 sessions include, but are not limited to:

 Anonymity and Privacy           Microfinance and
 Auctions                        Micropayments
 Audit and Auditability          Monitoring, Management and
 Authentication and              Operations
 Identification, including       Reputation Systems
 Biometrics                      RFID-Based and Contactless
 Certification and               Payment Systems
 Authorization                   Risk Assessment and
 Commercial Cryptographic        Management
 Applications                    Secure Banking and Financial
 Commercial Transactions and     Web Services
 Contracts                       Securing Emerging
 Digital Cash and Payment        Computational Paradigms
 Systems                         Security and Risk
 Digital Incentive and           Perceptions and Judgments
 Loyalty Systems                 Security Economics
 Digital Rights Management       Smart Cards and Secure
 Financial Regulation and        Tokens
 Reporting                       Trust Management
 Fraud Detection                 Trustability and
 Game Theoretic Approaches to    Trustworthiness
 Security                        Underground-Market Economics
 Identity Theft, Physhing and    Usability and Acceptance of
 Social Engineering              Security Systems
 Infrastructure Design           User and Operator Interfaces
 Legal and Regulatory Issues     Voting system security

                       Submission Instructions

 Submission Categories

 FC'06 is inviting submissions in four categories: (1) research papers,
 (2) systems and applications presentations, (3) panel sessions, (4)
 surveys. For all accepted submissions, at least one author must attend
 the conference and present the work.

 Research Papers

 Research papers should describe novel scientific contributions to the
 field, and they will be subject to rigorous peer review. Papers can be
 a maximum of 15 pages in length (including references and appendices),
 and accepted submissions will be published in full in the conference

 Systems and Application Presentations

 Submissions in this category should describe novel or successful
 systems with an emphasis on secure digital commerce applications.
 Presentations may concern commercial systems, academic prototypes, or
 open-source projects for any of the topics listed above. Where
 appropriate, software or hardware demonstrations are encouraged as part
 of the presentations in these sessions. Submissions in this category
 should consist of a short summary of the work (1-6 pages in length) to
 be reviewed by the Program Committee, along with a short biography of
 the presenters. Accepted submissions will be presented at the
 conference (25 minutes per presentation), and a one-page abstract will
 be published in the conference proceedings.

 Panel Sessions

 Proposals for panel sessions are also solicited, and should include a
 brief description of the panel as well as prospective participants.
 Accepted panel sessions will be presented at the conference, and each
 participant will contribute a one-page abstract to be published in the
 conference proceedings.


 A limited number of surveys presentations may also be included in the
 program. We encourage submissions that summarize the current state of
 the art on any well-defined subset of the above listed submission
 topics. A limited description of visions on future directions of
 research in these topics would also be appreciated. Survey submissions
 can be significantly shorter than research paper submissions.

 Preparation Instructions

 Submissions to the research papers, systems/application presentation
 categories and surveys must be received by the due date. Papers must be
 formatted in standard PostScript, PDF format, or MS Word. Submissions
 in other formats will be rejected. All papers must be submitted
 electronically according to the instructions and forms found on this
 web site and at the submission site.

 Authors should provide names and affiliations at submission time, and
 have the option of including or not names and affiliations in their
 submitted papers, that must include on their first page the title of
 the paper, the a brief abstract, and a list of topical keywords.
 Accepted submissions will be included in the conference proceedings to
 be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science
 (LNCS) series after the conference, so the submissions must be
 formatted in the standard LNCS format (15 page limit). Authors of
 accepted submissions will be required to complete and sign an IFCA
 copyright form. A pre-proceedings volume containing preliminary
 versions of the papers will be distributed at the conference.

 Questions about all conference submissions should be directed to the
 Program Chairs.

 Paper Submission

 Authors should only submit work that does not substantially overlap
 with work that is currently submitted or has been accepted for
 publication to a conference with proceedings or a journal.

 Please check back as the deadline approaches for a link to the
 submission server.

 The Rump Session

 FC'06 will also include the popular "rump session" held on one of the
 evenings in an informal, social atmosphere. The rump session is a
 program of short (5-7 minute), informal presentations on works in
 progress, off-the-cuff ideas, and any other matters pertinent to the
 conference. Any conference attendee is welcome to submit a presentation
 to the Rump Session Chair (to be announced). This submission should
 consist of a talk title, the name of the presenter, and, if desired, a
 very brief abstract. Submissions may be sent via e-mail, or submitted
 in person through the Monday of the conference.

 Program Committee

 Matt Blaze, University of Pennsylvania
 Alfredo De Santis, University of Salerno, Italy
 Sven Dietrich, CERT Research Center
 Juan Garay, Bell Labs
 Dan Geer, Verdasys
 Ari Juels, RSA
 Aggelos Kiayias, University of Connecticut
 Yoshi Kohno, University of California San Diego
 Arjen Lenstra, Bell Labs and Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
 Helger Lipmaa, Cybernetica AS and University of Tartu
 Steve Myers, Indiana University
 Andrew Odlyzko, University of Minnesota
 Tatsuaki Okamoto, NTT
 Carles Padro, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
 Andrew Patrick, NRC, Canada
 Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr-University Bochum
 Kazue Sako, NEC
 Dawn Song, CMU
 Stuart Stubblebine, University of California Davis & Stubblebine Labs
 Adam Stubblefield, Independent Security Evaluators
 Paul Syverson, NRL
 Mike Szydlo, RSA
 Gene Tsudik, University of California Irvine
 Doug Tygar, Berkeley University
 Alma Whitten, Google
 Yacov Yacobi, Microsoft Research
 Moti Yung, RSA & Columbia University
 Yuliang Zheng, University of North Carolina

 Important Dates:

 Paper Submission:   October 17, 2005
 Notification:       December 8th, 2005
 Pre-Proceedings:    January 27th, 2005
 Conference dates:   February 27 to March 2, 2006
 Post Proceedings:   April 10, 2006

 Avi Rubin
 Professor, Computer Science
 Technical Director, Information Security Institute
 Johns Hopkins University

 rubin at jhu.edu
 410-516-8177 (Voice)
 443-264-2406 (Fax)

 fc-announce mailing list
 fc-announce at ifca.ai


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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at ibuc.com>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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