Airport insanity.."Ethnicity" is Bullshit

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Sun Oct 17 11:39:11 PDT 2004

> > > You also seem to forget there is another potential factor -
> > > not only the visible one (ethnicity), but also one that isn't
> > > obvious to visual evaluation - religion. There is a
> > > significant black minority that inclines to Islam, some of
> > > them potentially radical. Do you want to suggest banning
> > > blacks from flying too?
> >
> > Seen any black suicide bombers?

OK, let's just say it outright. In this case "Ethnicity" is just pure 
camaflauge for "People who don't agree with my right-wing American Century 
politics". Just to remind us of the basics:

Afghans and Iranians are not Arabs.
Sub-saharan Africa has tens of millions of fully black Muslims.
Arabs are Semites.

> > Black Muslim radicalism tends to express itself by mugging Jews and
> > stealing television sets. Strapping dynamite to one's chest just does
> > not seem to be a black thing.

Uh...what? If you're talking about the Nation of Islam (in the US), you 
almost NEVER find members in good standing "mugging Jews or stealing TV" 
sets here in New York, and any other location is going to be a statistical 

Let's also remember that we don't have US-backed/paid-for tanks rolling 
through black neighborhoods every day. If we did I suspect Black Muslims 
might start fighting back.

Let's just state the obvious: September 11th occurred not because we had a 
few "crazy Muslim fundamentalists" out there that decided they "hate our 
freedoms". The struck us because we've been fuckin' over a large swath of 
the Muslim (not only Arab) world for 100 years or so now. They're tired of 
us being there and muckin' around in their politics, and they want it to 
stop. The "fundamentalist" part is sort of a 'strengthener', let's's people who know they're probably going to have to kill large 
numbers of civilians to get their point across, so how can they justify 
this? Well, a nicely-tuned Wahabism will do just nicely thank you. Seems 
fairly predictable, really.


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