Cell Phone Jammer?

Major Variola (ret) mv at cdc.gov
Sat Nov 13 17:37:54 PST 2004

At 02:12 PM 11/13/04 -0600, Riad S. Wahby wrote:
>"Major Variola (ret)" <mv at cdc.gov> wrote:
>> To jam the entire cell freq *bands* would take more power and
>> more complex circuits.   A jacob's ladder and/or tesla coil might
>> work but would be indiscrete at least.
>A plasma speaker
> http://images.jfet.org/20031027/imgp1255.jpg
>would also work, assuming that you've got the tube to drive those
>frequencies and an appropriately-constructed coil.  Mine runs at ~25
>and broadcasts like a bitch (prolly 100+ Watts).
>Discrete?  What does that mean?

You know, bug-soldered components :-)

Is that a jacobs ladder in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

You disturb my aether, I decode your signal, fuck the 900 MHz
(or whatever, analog cell) prohibition, eh?

Have we state-licenced SPICE, or compilers yet?

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