The Values-Vote Myth

J.A. Terranson measl at
Sat Nov 6 14:07:05 PST 2004

On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, Tyler Durden wrote:

> In other words, he won because some hillbilly was afraid that the guy at the
> local 7-11 was going to blow up his chicked farm.


> So: A 'moral values' question for Cypherpunks. Does this election indict the
> American people as being complicit in the crime known as "Operation
> Freedom"? (I notice everyone forgot about that name.)

Complicit?  Thats *technically* correct, but not nearly strong enough.

> -TD


J.A. Terranson
sysadmin at

	"An ill wind is stalking
	while evil stars whir
	and all the gold apples
	go bad to the core"

	S. Plath, Temper of Time

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