DoD advisor advocates piracy

Major Variola (ret) mv at
Wed Mar 31 12:55:58 PST 2004

There will be a lot of (justly) dead fishermen in that case.  When the
does piracy, or merely boards a ship, there are major snipers
on the US vessel, and the inspectors are accompanied by
well armed folks.  In addition, free-lance piracy will be a great
cover for real pirates at sea.

And of course, what's good for the US is good for everyone else.
Perhaps seagoing muslim nations will start boarding cruise lines,
looking for illegal ethanol.

At 02:14 PM 3/31/04 -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
>Statement of Peter Leitner

>Additionally, I would suggest that the US may be well served by
>the historic use of Letters of Marque in both the war on Terrorism and
>protection of our coastal environment.

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