FBI Adds to Wiretap Wish List

brian-slashdotnews at hyperreal.org brian-slashdotnews at hyperreal.org
Sat Mar 13 03:26:02 PST 2004

Link: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/03/12/2318251
Posted by: michael, on 2004-03-13 09:08:00
Topic: us, 146 comments

   from the can-we-hear-you-now? dept.
   [1]WorkEmail writes "A [2]far-reaching proposal from the FBI, made
   public Friday, would require all broadband Internet providers,
   including cable modem and DSL companies, to rewire their networks to
   support easy [3]wiretapping by police. The FBI's request to the
   Federal Communications Commission aims to give police ready access to
   any form of Internet-based communications. If approved as drafted, the
   proposal could dramatically expand the scope of the agency's wiretap
   powers, raise costs for cable broadband companies and complicate
   Internet product development."


   1. http://www.tghclan.com/
   2. http://news.com.com/2100-1028-5172948.html
   3. http://news.com.com/2100-7352-5137344.html?tag=nl

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