Novell-SUSE Sponsors Openswan (fwd from brian-slashdotnews at

gabriel rosenkoetter gr at
Sun Jun 20 18:52:55 PDT 2004

On Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 10:17:54AM +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> From: brian-slashdotnews at
> Date: 20 Jun 2004 04:26:01 -0000
> To: slashdotnews at
> Subject: Novell-SUSE Sponsors Openswan
> User-Agent: SlashdotNewsScooper/0.0.3
> Link:
> Posted by: timothy, on 2004-06-20 03:03:00
> Topic: security, 37 comments
>    from the they're-building-a-behemoth dept.
>    [1]hsjones writes "Concerned about the demise of FreeS/WAN? Well,
>    looks like Openswan is going to be a good, strong open source IPsec
>    project going forward.

What, precisely, is broken about KAME?

What is it about the Linux crowd that, if it's two years old, it's
apparently time to reimplement it.  (Firewall code, software RAID,
libc, you know, whatever. Bonus points if it means a kernel A{B,P}I

How 'bout just importing the reference implementation which Works,
something FreeS/WAN was never actualy able to say?

Oh well.

gabriel rosenkoetter
gr at

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