[mnet-devel] Anonymity and Performance in Peer-to-Peer Systems

Some Guy amichrisde at yahoo.de
Mon Oct 20 06:13:01 PDT 2003

This post is supposed to get to Nikita Borisov and Jason Waddle regarding:

Part 1:
"Research a formal metric for the anonymity of a system. We are currently
performing a literature
search; if we fail to find a suitable metric in past research, we will propose
a new one."

Here's a nice paper that analizes the annonymity of Crowds:
Probabilistic Analysis of Anonymity
Vitaly Shmatikov
SRI International

"We use discrete-time Markov chains to formally model the behavior of group
in Crowds [22], specify anonymity properties of the system as temporal logic
formulas, and use a
probabilistic model checker to verify them. This analysis method is applicable
to other
probabilistic systems such as Freenet."

Part 2:
DOS Resistance: I've got a basic handle now on DOS resistance vs. peformance
and I can almost get
a faint glimmer of what the a "perfect" DHT should look like.  I've posted my
ideas on it to the
Freenet list and I'll post them to the MNet list today too.

If anyone wants to discuss how to build a better Freenet, I'd LOVE to help.


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