Why I Could Never Be a Lawyer

jet jet at spies.com
Thu May 22 00:35:19 PDT 2003

At 21:27 -0400 2003/05/21, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>I agree. I've never understood why folks find the law to be "majestic."

Recently here in Palo Alto, a latino teenager was railroaded by the cops and almost convicted of raping an elderly white lady.  Nevermind those pesky DNA tests, he confessed after many hours in police custody without representation.

Lawyers kept him from being framed by forcing a DNA test that failed to match his DNA with that of the rapist.

The lawyers that freed him might not consider the law "majestic", but I think they have good reason to sleep well at night.
J. Eric Townsend -- jet spies com
buy stuff, damnit: http://www.spies.com/jet/store.html

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