Extent of UK snooping revealed

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Wed May 21 06:28:41 PDT 2003

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 11:05:23AM -0700, John Kozubik wrote:
> b) install a web server with proxy capability, and configure your own
> web clients on your personal computers to only hit that webserver, and to
> only hit it with SSL for _all_ web requests.  So, all your web browsing
> occurs over SSL and has a single destination - your server.  The actual
> fetching of web pages occurs in plain text (or SSL if the site really is
> SSL) from your server to the world.

Well, it depends. If I'm browsing the web from home on DSL, a remote web
site is going to get something like:

If I go through my server, the remote site will see:

Your other points are well-taken, though! :)


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