A day in the life

Mike Rosing eresrch at eskimo.com
Sun Jul 20 19:41:03 PDT 2003

On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, J.A. Terranson wrote:

[great story snipped]

> Those poor kids at the Jiffy Lube - obviously they *have* to get this data
> for the corporate office, but they too exhibit an amazing amount of
> programming here.  Not *one* of them had enough of a clear head to simply
> fill in "refused", or "John Smith" on his own.  We have taken a real national
> resource, our youth, and trained them to act as mindless droids, devoid of
> even the minimum reasoning powers possessed by small insects, and I am,
> inexplicably, astounded.
> I am what anyone with an IQ of 12 or higher would call a hard core
> cynic.  But even I am surprised.  Appalled even.  And oddly embarrassed to
> find that things are not as bad as I constantly claim, but they are *worse* -
> MUCH worse than that.  They are...  I don't *know* what they are - but
> whatever it is, it is truly fucking evil...

More likely the kids were tripping on acid with a nice hash over coat.
They weren't there at all, you just imagined them :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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