[p2p-hackers] PET2003 (Mar 26-28) accepted papers (fwd)

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Mon Feb 10 10:49:18 PST 2003

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 13:45:23 -0500
From: Roger Dingledine <arma at mit.edu>
To: cryptography at wasabisystems.com, p2p-hackers at zgp.org,
     nymip-res-group at nymip.org
Cc: freehaven-dev at freehaven.net, dcsb at ai.mit.edu
Subject: [p2p-hackers] PET2003 (Mar 26-28) accepted papers

The following papers have been accepted for presentation and publication
at the 3rd Privacy Enhancing Technologies workshop, in Dresden Mar 26-28
this year. In addition, there will be several invited talks and/or panels.

Please forward this mail to other relevant lists.

See http://petworkshop.org/ for more details, including the rapidly
approaching deadlines for stipends (February 16 -- available to
non-authors too!) and registration (February 20).

  "Mix-networks with Restricted Routes"
  George Danezis

  "Generalising Mixes"
  Claudia Diaz, Andrei Serjantov

  "Modelling Unlinkability"
  Sandra Steinbrecher and Stefan K\"opsell

  "Metrics for Traffic Analysis Prevention"
  Richard E. Newman, Ira S. Moskowitz, Paul Syverson, Andrei Serjantov

  "Breaking and Mending Resilient Mix-nets"
  Lan Nguyen, Rei Safavi-Naini

  "Improving Onion Notation"
  Richard Clayton

  "Engineering Privacy in Public: Confounding Face Recognition"
  James Alexander and Jonathan Smith

  "From Privacy Legislation to Interface Design: Implementing
  Information Privacy in Human-Computer Interactions"
  Andrew S. Patrick, Stephen Kenny

  "Defeating Web Censorship with Untrusted Messenger Discovery"
  Nick Feamster, Magdalena Balazinska, Winston Wang, Hari Balakrishnan,
  David Karger

  "GAP -- Practical anonymous networking"
  Krista Bennett, Christian Grothoff

  "An Analysis of GNUnet and the Implications for Anonymous,
  Censorship-Resistant Networks"
  Dennis K\"ugler

  "A Component Architecture for Dynamically Managing Privacy Constraints
  in Personalized Web-based Systems"
  Alfred Kobsa

  "Privacy in Enterprise Identity Federation: Policies for Liberty Single
  Birgit Pfitzmann

  "From P3P to Data Licenses"
  Yuh-Jzer Joung

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