TSA/FBI No-Fly Nexus

Justin justin-cypherpunks at soze.net
Tue Dec 16 23:31:58 PST 2003

J.A. Terranson (2003-12-17 06:40Z) wrote:

> Terrorism: The New Aviation Threat
> http://www.c-spanstore.com/172153.html
> Since I started loading this video stream I am now watching several hours
> ago, I no longer remember where I saw the link I clicked on that has allowed
> me to watch this without buying it :-(  But the regular purchase link is
> above.


www.c-span.org and search in the "video search" input box.

I am a carnivorous fish swimming in    #+#  Banking establishments are
two waters, the cold water of art and  -*+  more dangerous than standing
the hot water of science.  - S. Dali   #-#  armies.  - Thomas Jefferson

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