cpunk-like meeting report

V Alex Brennen vab at cryptnet.net
Tue Dec 16 07:50:51 PST 2003

Tim May wrote:
> On Dec 14, 2003, at 6:07 PM, proclus at gnu-darwin.org wrote:
>> Hi, I've been admiring your and Tim's contributions, and I was 
>> wondering if
>> either of you were planning to subscribe to the (new) news list.
>> http://lists.cryptnet.net/mailman/listinfo/cpunx-news
> No, we don't need a "cpunx-news" list. This is what Google and the 
> ability to see hundreds of various lists and sites is for.

I don't even plan on subscribing myself.  I just wanted to get
the traffic off of cypherpunks.

Back when I first joined this list, cypherpunks where
known for making news, not reading it. I recognized some
addresses posting here recently from other lists that may
suggest a revival is possible if we can clean things up a

For the most part, the only people who subscribed to the
new list are the people who tend to forward news
announcements.  There seems to be very few consumers
(4 out of 7 subscribers on the new list - there's 8 total
so far, one person subscribed twice).

     - VAB

V. Alex Brennen      <vab at cryptnet.net>
    F A R  B E Y O N D  D R I V E N !

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