Truth and Justice, Grapeshot and JDAMs, Money and Happiness

Sunder sunder at
Mon Apr 28 08:02:48 PDT 2003

Frankly my dear kook, I don't give a damn (about your opinions that is).

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
<--*-->:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.
--------_sunder_ at _sunder_._net_------- ------------

On Sat, 26 Apr 2003, Jim Choate wrote:

> On Sat, 26 Apr 2003, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> > "Some people say that money can't buy happiness. I've found that it
> > usually does, and, when it doesn't, it buys the most interesting
> > substitutes." -- Rhett Butler, 'Gone with the Wind'
> It's a movie chucklehead. And did Rhett get his happiness in the end?
> No.

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