RSA's RC5-64 Secret Key Challenge has been solved.

Peter Clay pete at
Fri Sep 27 09:06:16 PDT 2002

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Lucky Green wrote:

> Software defined radios would be well-suited to task, but those who
> expended the effort of writing software-defined cellular telephony
> modules so far understandably chose to sell the fruits of their labor to
> paying customers rather than releasing the code as Open Source.

The GNU project has a SDR implementation, which claims to implement at
least a plain FM receiver, and has GSM as a "future direction":

Of course, as soon as someone implements a satellite PPV decoder on top of
it the entire technology will probably be banned :(

Peter Clay                                         | Campaign for   _  _| .__
                                                   | Digital       /  / | |
                                                   | Rights!       \_ \_| |

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