Chop Chop

Matthew X profrv at
Sun Sep 8 12:06:43 PDT 2002

CC is green tobacco with added saltpetre to assist burning,its sold under 
the counter in au to evade huge taxes on standard coffin nails and rolling 
Cigarettes smuggling is huge world wide,a run between Turkey and southern 
Russia had nuclear materials as a backload to NJ.When the US customs found 
it the CIA got shirty.Enough to attack the twin Towers?
A Smoking Gun Cigarette smuggling is a billion dollar industry with links 
to organized crime and terrorism.
In the film "Goodfellas," Henry Hill's first arrest comes about because he 
is selling a shipment of hijacked cigarettes to factory workers. The truth 
of cigarette smuggling is not nearly as innocent as that scene would lead 
us to believe.

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