Would you enjoy working from home?

wexobtcxrqj at mailcab.com wexobtcxrqj at mailcab.com
Sun Jul 14 06:26:17 PDT 2002


Dear fellow marketer:

A few months back I joined a program and then...promptly forgot 
about it. You may have done this yourself sometime...you intend 
to work the program but then get caught in your day-to-day 
activities and it's soon forgotten.

The program was free to join so maybe I just didn't take it very 

Anyway, near the end of May I received a letter from my 
sponsor informing me that I had more than 2000 
PAID members in my downline!

As you can imagine, I was very skeptical. After all, how could I 
have more than 2000 paid members under me in a program that I had 
never promoted?

I took the time to check out the site...then wrote to him asking 
for confirmation that these were paid members and not just free 
sign-ups...like me :)

Well, it was true...I had 2365 paid members in my downline. This 
in a program that I had never worked!

All I had to do was upgrade to a paid membership before the end 
of the month and I would have my position locked in and a 
downline of 2365 people.

You can bet I wasted no time in getting my membership upgraded!
I can tell you, if I had known what was happening with this 
program, I would have become an active paid member months ago!
With this program, you will get a HUGE downline of PAID MEMBERS . 
My sponsor's check, which is a minimum of $5,000, arrives every 
month...on time.

How would you like to lock your position in FREE while you check 
out this opportunity and watch your downline grow?

Just join Post Launch by Clicking Here:  
and completing the form at the bottom of the page.
We will confirm your position and send you a special report 
as soon as possible, also Your Free Member Number.

This is a ONE TIME mailing - your name is already on our exclude list.

I'll get you entered and let you know how you can 
keep track of your growing downline.

That's all there's to it. No obligation. No risk. Do it Now!
Just go to:  http://www.tnt-hosting.com/scj

I'll then send you info, and you can make up your own mind.

Warm regards.


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