Need voluntary/optional TCPA/Palladium quote

Anonymous nobody at
Fri Jul 5 10:09:04 PDT 2002


Lucky asks:

> I am looking for a quote by a TCPA or Palladium principal that states
> that TCPA and/or Palladium will be voluntary or optional. Google was not
> helpful. Did anybody on here run across such a quote in one of the
> interviews recently published? Please include the URL/citation.

includes the following:

: 13. What has the TCPA done to preserve privacy?
: The TCPA believes that privacy is a necessary element of a trusted system.
: The TCPA Specification has taken specific steps to enhance trust while
: preserving privacy.  The system owner has ultimate control and permissions
: over private information and must "opt-in" to utilize the TCPA subsystem.
: Integrity metrics can be reported by the TCPA platform, but do not
: restrict the choice and options of the owner preserving openness.

This describes the system as "opt-in" and that says that it will
not restrict the choice and options of the owner.  That is, users
can enable the TCPA system and get their integrity metrics reported
(these are basically hashes of the BIOS, OS boot loader, etc.), which
will allow third parties to know that they booted into an unmodified,
trusted system.  But they always have the choice to boot into a modified,
patched or untrusted system, and in that case either the TCPA chip will
report it, or they can forego the use of the TCPA subsystem entirely.

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