Israel's control of the U.S. -- and debunking rumors

Declan McCullagh declan at
Fri Jan 11 15:55:33 PST 2002

At 03:46 PM 1/11/2002 -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
>OK, I'll bite.  How did the Omaha World Herald on October 1, quote the
>Washington Report from October 3, in response to a reader question
>of October 27?

See the followup message with the exact text of the articles that I sent do 
you and the list. It's over 40KB, so while you received it, majordomo 
bounced it (perhaps the admin will approve).

>Also, he doesn't debunk the quote.  He just expresses his opinion that no
>Israeli leader could be so stupid, and continues merrily on to say that
>one magazine that reported the remark is "influenced" by Arabs.

True, but it's a pretty extraordinary quote that seems to have allegedly 
taken place in a private meeting; extraordinary claims require 
extraordinary proof, no?

>If it appeared in a bylined article in a mainstream American newspaper,
>and everyone involved has not been fired, and no retraction has been
>issued, many months later, I would tend to believe that the authenticity
>of the quote is not in question.

Your faith in the American small-town journalistic establishment is 
heartening, but probably misplaced.


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