Faustine's paranoia index

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Thu Jan 3 19:28:13 PST 2002

On Thursday, January 3, 2002, at 05:12 PM, faustine. at hushmail.com wrote:
> If you can ever imagine yourself in a situation where it might be to 
> your
> advantage to manipulate your test results to seem a little less 
> antisocial or
> whatever, getting familiar with how they control for deception and which
> questions map to which personality "disorders" could come in quite 
> handy.
> The idea of pigeonholing people this way is morally repugnant: do 
> pardon me for
> not feeling like playing along.  Personally, I've never had to take it, 
> but
> couldn't resist the challenge of figuring out how to beat it. And 
> practicing
> until I got every goddamn scale to come out the way I wanted it to. Now 
> I can
> avoid being labeled...

I suggest a more straightforward way to "avoid being labeled" by such a 
voodoo bullshit thing as the MMPI: don't take it. Nobody at any company 
I have ever been connected with has required it of their employees, the 
law can't require it (even if one is ordered into a "psychiatric 
evaluation," it cannot be compelled, for the same reason no speech can 
be compelled).

A simple litmus test: if one is working for an employer or agency which 
requires psychobabble tests, one is working for the wrong side.

> 4 Pd - Psychopathic Deviate
> ANG2 - Anger: Irritability
> CYN1 - Cynicism: Misanthropic Beliefs
> ASP1 - Antisocial Practices: Antisocial Attitudes
> TPA1 - Type A: Impatience
> TPA2 - Type A: Competitive Drive
> FAM2 - Family Problems: Familial Alienation
> TRT2 - Negative Treatment Indicators: Inability to Disclose
> O-H - Overcontrolled Hostility
> and come out smelling like a rose with...
> S1 - Beliefs in Human Goodness
> S2 - Serenity
> S3 - Contentment with Life

You're a waste of electrons here. Even Agent Farr was more on-topic. Is 
this some kind of ersatz chick thing?

--Tim May
"Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and
strangled with her panty hose,  is somehow morally superior to a woman 
explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound"

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