cell phone guns

Petro petro at bounty.org
Wed Jan 2 00:49:20 PST 2002

On Sunday, December 30, 2001, at 06:01 PM, david wrote:

> On Sunday 30 December 2001 07:37 pm, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>>      Nobody, but nobody, walks around with an empty chamber, whatever
>> the caliber.
> Last I heard the Isreali military still did.  An empty chamber was US
> military standard carry until the switch from 1911 the Beretta.  The 
> military
> was the last to hear about the Modern Technique of the Pistol.

	Many European police departments also insist on condition 2 carry. 
In fact if you look at the slide on a CZ100, there is an odd "dongle" or 
lump between the rear sight and the ejection port. Rumor has it that 
this dongle is intended to be used to engage the slide on the pistol 
belt to rack the first round into the chamber enabling a patrol officer 
to bring his pistol into action single handed (apparently many European 
officers also tend to work with police dogs, and having one hand on the 
leash means it can't be used to rack the slide).

"Those without creative minds and agile fingers are of course
welcome to hurry up with my fries. And they'll probably use
a GUI to take my order, too."
- Tom Christiansen

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