Privacy qua privacy (Was: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures...)

Kevin Elliott k-elliott at
Tue Dec 31 09:49:28 PST 2002

At 12:12 -0500  on  12/31/02, Adam Shostack wrote:
>Rummaging through my wallet...a grocery card in the name of Hughes, a
>credit card with the name Shostack, and an expired membership card in
>the name Doe.

Interesting point on grocery cards... Why do they have your name at 
all?  Every grocery card I've ever gotten they've said "here's your 
card and application, please fill out the application and mail it 
in".  I say "thank you ma'am", walk out the door and toss the 
"application" in the trash.  Not exactly strong (or any) name 
Kevin Elliott   <mailto:kelliott at>
ICQ#23758827               AIM ID: teargo

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