Soft Targets (Re: Saudis detained photographing dam)

Harmon Seaver hseaver at
Wed Sep 19 11:25:54 PDT 2001

  I'd think they'd want troops around them, not just a few more guards, who
probably aren't heavily armed or combat trained. There's been some discussion
on a energy list I'm on about whether the containment domes are sufficient,
with some good arguement that they aren't. Here's an article on the subject:
   Glad you mentioned chem plants -- that's another worry to add to the list.
And to stay upwind of.

David Honig wrote:

> At 11:16 AM 9/19/01 -0500, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> >      I'm surprised there hasn't been a big effort made to
> >protect nuke plants. Seems like they'd be a ripe target for
> >terrs, either by an airliner hit or just by a large armed
> >group intrusion.
> >
> San Onofre increased their ground security.
> The containment domes are spec'd to handle an airliner crash.  Don't know
> which airliner (707 vs. 747) and how 15 tons of kerosine affect it.
> Chem plants, refineries & storage facilities [soft targets] all upped their
> walking guards.
> No more tours of sewage treatment plants for the public for now (really).

Harmon Seaver, MLIS
Work 920-203-9633   hseaver at
Home 920-233-5820 hseaver at

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